Neville Gabie


Living-Language-Land at COP 26 

We are coming very close to the end of this first phase of Living-Language-Land – sharing 26 words from minority and endangered languages to offer fresh inspiration for tackling our environmental crisis.

Next week on Wednesday 3 November (13:30-14:30) we’ll have the exciting opportunity to share the project in person at the COP26 Green Zone in Glasgow, Scotland! The event should be livestreamed on the COP26 Youtube Channel and a calendar invite is below. We would be so delighted if you could join us virtually in Scotland, and share the event with anybody you think might be interested.BBAdd this event to your calendar

We have also put together a short film reel about the project that will be played in the British Council pavilion in the Blue Zone And we are continuing to talk about the project everywhere we can!

This project has been co-curated by Neville Gabie and Philippa Bayley and is funded by The British Council Creative Commissions For COP26